Why, Hello

SYan, an acronym for Systemic area network, is a company based in the heart of Europe, Luxembourg. It brings together ITS international experts across several countries.

Our team works directly with the four big consultant companies providing responsiveness and expertise in audit and consulting on complex and heterogeneous information systems.

Fistful of Projects

  • www.ina.fr/video/2559991001030 Buon Giorno Coffee

    AIRBUS A380

    Airbus A380 production line

    Validation of network Infrastructure factories A380 in Toulouse - France

  • www.europarl.europa.eu Stadium Stock Exchange

    European Parliament

    Strasbourg & Brussel

    Assistance Owner, engineering design of structured cabling in a building of 200,000 square meters and Data Center associated in Luxembourg

  • www.ec.europa.eu Project Red Light Rescue

    European Commission


    Product Brainstorming Audit of Tier IV datacenter rooms based on standards (TIA-942, ISO-11801...) and Audit of Datacenter Operational Procedures

  • www.datacenterdynamics.com ANYMEAL

    Datacenter Dynamics


    Platform Consultation Datacenter training resources for Datacenter Dynamics

SYan Disciplines


  • Assistance to the owner
  • Specification
  • Designing of Tenders
  • Expertise
  • Quality Control
  • Process Modelisation
  • Technical Design
  • Project Management


  • Quality Assessment
  • Energy Audit
  • Cost Analysis
  • Disaster Recovery Solutions
  • Continuous improvement
  • Adequacy & compliance
  • Risk Analysis
  • Systemic approach


  • Professional development
  • Training Programs
  • Professional Workshop
  • Practice
  • Train the trainer program

Method to Our Expertise


First we ask, We listen. We do all our best to understand and apprehend the needs of the client.


At the intersection of needs and offer, we build risk analyse, feasibility and business justification.


Joining our plans with your input, we find the best normalization or standard to modelize an "as is" reference.


We draw the current situation and compare it to the standard to point out the gaps.


After a gap analyze we introduce a continuous improvement plan to resolve gaps regarding emergency and budget.


Do a review of complete project for closing.

Systemic Area Network

In the context of IT system, the term systemic refers to an initiative to study systems from a holistic point of view. It is an attempt at developing logical, mathematical and engineering paradigms and frameworks in which logical, physical and technological IT systems can be studied and modelled.

Ready to get started? Let's talk.

We're working hard Monday through Friday, starting bright and early with a cup of lightly creamed coffee. We prefer email, but feel free to give us a Tweet for good measure.
